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Abell, Arthur M.

Year: 1964
Complete Citation:
Abell, Arthur M. Gesprache mit beruhmten Komponisten, so entstand- en ihre unsterblichen Meisterwerke. Eschwege, West Germany: G.E. Schroeder Verlag, 1964.
Source: Book

Abell, Arthur M. <i>Gesprache mit beruhmten Komponisten, so entstand- en ihre unsterblichen Meisterwerke </i>[Talks with Great Composers]. New York, NY: Citadel Publishing, 1964.

VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Acker, Emma

Year: 2009
Complete Citation:
Acker, Emma. “Artistic Identity in a Transatlantic Age Patrick Heron, Peter Lanyon, and the New American Painting.” The British Art Journal, vol. 10, no. 3 (2009): 158-170.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Acton, Charles

Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Acton, Charles. “The Charles Ives Enigma.” The Irish Times, 1968.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship

Adams, John

Year: 1994
Complete Citation:
Adams, John. “Ives: The Amount to Carry.” In American Transcendentalists [Program Booklet]. Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York, November 11-13, 1994. Da Camera of Houston, The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas, November 21-22, 1994.
Source: Program Booklet
VI. Topical Studies
D. Insurance

Adorno, Theodor W.

Year: 1966
Complete Citation:
Adorno, Theodor W. “Mahler.” In Wagner, Mahler: Due Studi, 215-217. Translated to Italian by Giacomo Mazoni. Torino, Italy: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1966.

Relates Ives to Mahler.

Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Albèra, Philippe

Year: 2001
Complete Citation:
Albèra, Philippe. “Mensch und Maschine.” Dissonanz (2001): 46-47.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
J. Extra-Musical Themes in Ives’s Compositions

Albrecht, Henning, Benjamin Scheuer and Christian Schmidt

Year: 2009
Complete Citation:
Albrecht, Henning, Benjamin Scheuer and Christian Schmidt. Von Charles Ives zur New York School: US-amerikanische Avantgarde im 20. Jahrhundert; Programmbuch zum Seminar am Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Hamburg, Sommersemester 2009. Hamburg, Germany: Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Hamburg, 2009.
Source: Pamphlet
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
A. Festivals/Conferences

Alexander, Charles C.

Year: 1980
Complete Citation:
Alexander, Charles C. Here the Country Lies: Nationalism and the Arts in Twentieth-Century America. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1980.

Many references to Ives.

Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America

Allen, Andrew J.

Year: 2014
Complete Citation:
Allen, Andrew J. “Repertoire Today for Saxophone: The Saxophone Works of Composer Robert Jager.” Saxophone Today (2014): 28-30.
Source: Magazine
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Almen, Byron, and Robert Hatten

Year: 2012
Complete Citation:
Almen, Byron, and Robert Hatten. 2012. “Narrative Engagement with Twentieth -Century Music: Possibilities and Limits.” In Music and Narrative since 1900, edited by Michael Klein and Nicholas Reyland, 59--85. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2012.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
J. Extra-Musical Themes in Ives’s Compositions

Alves, Bill and Brett Campbell

Year: 2017
Complete Citation:
Alves, Bill and Brett Campbell. “Day of Ascension: (1946-1947).” In Lou Harrison: American Musical Maverick, 124-130. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2017.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Andersen, Lena Susanne

Year: 1995
Complete Citation:
Andersen, Lena Susanne. “Charles Edward Ives - Hans Musik Og Musikfilosofi.” Copenhagen, Denmark, 1995.
Source: Archival Material
VI. Topical Studies

Anderson, David E.

Year: 1974
Complete Citation:
Anderson, David E. “Ives Heritage: ‘Vision of a Vanished America in Music.’” Los Angeles Times, December 14, 1974, A9.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America

Anderson, Martin

Year: 2003
Complete Citation:
Anderson, Martin. “Obituary: Lou Harrison; Unconventional Composer Whose Music Fused East and West: FOREIGN Edition.” The Independent, February 5, 2003.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
P. Ives Collaborators and Colleagues

Andriessen, Louis

Year: 1974
Complete Citation:
Andriessen, Louis, “Anachrony and Charles Ives.” In An Ives Celebration: Papers and Panels of the Charles Ives Centennial Festival-Conference, edited by H. Wiley Hitchcock and Vivian Perlis, 227. Music in American Life. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship
Year: 1977
Complete Citation:
Andriessen, Louis, “Anachrony and Charles Ives.” In An Ives Celebration: Papers and Panels of the Charles Ives Centennial Festival-Conference, edited by H. Wiley Hitchock and Vivan Perlis, 227. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
B. Musical Quotation or Borrowing

Angermann, Klaus, and Barbara Barthelmes

Year: 1984
Complete Citation:
Angermann, Klaus and Barbara Barthelmes. “Die Idee des klingenden Raumes seit Satie.” In Musik zwischen E und U: ein Prolog und sieben Kon- gressbeitrage, edited by Ekkehard Jost, 107-126. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung Darmstadt Vol. 25. Mainz, Germany: Schott, 1984.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Archabal, Nina

Year: 1974
Complete Citation:
Archabal, Nina. “Ives Festivals at Minnesota, Spring 1971 and 1972.” Cur-rent Musicology 18 (1974): 43-45.
Source: Journal
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
A. Festivals/Conferences

Ascough, Richard

Year: 1992
Complete Citation:
Ascough, Richard. “Letter: Challenging Centipede.” The Guardian, October 29, 1992.
Source: Magazine
VI. Topical Studies
J. Extra-Musical Themes in Ives’s Compositions

Ashbee, Andrew

Year: 2016
Complete Citation:
Ashbee, Andrew. “James Shirley’s The Triumph of Peace Revisited.” The Consort: European Journal of Early Music, Vol. 72 (2016): 31-48.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
K. Stylistic Influences on Ives