Chamber Orchestra

Title Notation Description Sheet Music Links
"Country Band" March MER 4 min.

1(pic)-0-1-al sax-0; 0-cnt-2-0; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), pf; str (no va) 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc and pts for sale) 
(Also arranged by James B. Sinclair for concert band)

Adagio Sostenuto: at Sea

(see Set No. 3; see also Chamber Ensemble for original version)

Central Park in the Dark MOB 8½ min.

pic-1-1-1(E cl)-1; 0-1-1-0; perc (sn dr, b dr, opt cym), 2 pf; str 

Ives Society critical edition by Jacques-Louis Monod (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Chromâtimelôdtune MJQ 5 min.

0-0-1(E cl)-0; 0-2(E, B cnt)-1-1; b dr, pf; str 

0-1-1-1; 1-1-1-1; sn dr, ch, pf; 3vn, va, vc, cb 

Brass qt (E cnt, B cnt, tbn, tuba) and perc (side dr, b dr, cym)

Realized by Kenneth Singleton (sc and pts for rent)

Realized by Gunther Schuller (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Realized by Gerard Schwarz

Fugue in Four Keys on "The Shining Shore" MER 4 min.

fl, cnt, str 

Ives Society critical edition by John Kirkpatrick (sc and pts for sale)

Holiday Quickstep MER 2 min.

pic, 2 cnt, pf, vn 1-2 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc and pts for sale) 
(Also performable by chamber ensemble with 2 single violins)

March No. 2, with "Son of a Gambolier" PEER 3 min.

1-0-1-0; 0-cnt-1-1(or db); perc (sn dr, b dr, cym, tr); vn 1-2 

Ives Society critical edition by Kenneth Singleton (sc and pts for sale) 
(Another version by Ives, for voice and piano, has also been arranged by Jonathan Elkus for symphonic band, by Gregg Smith for unison chorus and piano, and by Alexander Dashnaw for unison chorus and piano 4 hands.)

March No. 3, with "My Old Kentucky Home" MER 2½ min.

1-0-1-0; 0-cnt-1-1; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym); vn 1-2 

Ives Society critical edition by Kenneth Singleton (sc and pts for sale)

March: The Circus Band PEER 2½ min.

Version 1 (sc and pts for rent): 1-0-1-0; 0-cnt-1-1/db; perc (sn dr, b dr); vn 1-2 
Version 2 (George F. Roberts scoring; sc and pts for sale): pic-1-0-2-0;  0-1-3-1; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym); Vn 1-2, db (opt. vc, SSATTBB chorus)

Orchestral Set No. 1: Three Places in New England Version 2 MRC 19 min.
i. The "St. Gaudens" in Boston Common (Col. Shaw and his Colored Regiment)
ii. Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut
iii. The Housatonic at Stockbridge

1-1-E hn-1-1; 1-1-1-0; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), pf;  str [4/4/2/2/2] (opt pic, hn 2, tpt 2, pf 2) (Arranged by Ives in 1929 from original version for large orchestra.)

Ives Society critical edn by James B. Sinclair (sc and pts for rent)

For Versions 1 & 4: see Orchestra

Orchestral Set No. 1: Three Places in New England Version 3 MRC 19 min.
i. The "St. Gaudens" in Boston Common (Col. Shaw and his Colored Regiment)
ii. Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut
iii. The Housatonic at Stockbridge
1-1-E hn-1-1; 1-2-2-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), pf; str (opt pic, cl 2, hn 2-4, tpt 3-4, pf2/cel, org ped, theremin)

(Adapted by Ives for 1935 publication from 1929 version.) (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Overture and March "1776" MER 3 min.

2(2 pic)-1-1-0; 0-2 cnt-1-0; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), pf; str (opt bells) 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc for sale, pts for rent) 
(Also arranged by James B. Sinclair for concert band)

Quarter-Tone Chorale CFP 4.5 min.

from "Three Quarter-Tone Pieces" 
Realized by Alan Stout for string orchestra from Ives's instrumentation 
directions in the original for 2 pf (sc and pts for sale)

Set for Theatre Orchestra MER 7½ min.
i. In the Cage
ii. In the Inn
iii. In the Night

E hn/fl/cl/cnt, cl, bn/bar sax/tbn; hn/cl/E hn/tbn, timp, bells, pf (2 players); str (opt ob/fl/cl/cnt, fl/vn, hp/pf, org) 

(sc and pts for rent; Ives Society critical edition in prep)

Set No. 1 MER 9 min.
i. Scherzo: The See'r
ii. A Lecture (Tolerance)
iii. The Ruined River (The New River)
iv. Like a Sick Eagle
v. Calcium Light Night
vi. Allegretto sombreoso (Incantation)

Total instr: pic(fl), E hn/ob/basset hn, 2 cl, bn, bar sx; alto hn, tpt/E hn/basset hn, cnt, tbn; perc (sn dr, t dr, b dr, cym), 2 pf (8 hands); str [4/4/2/3/1 minimum] (opt. bar sax 2, bn 2, tbn 2, tuba, tom-toms/timp)

i. Scherzo: The See'r 
Ives Society edn: cl, alto hn, cnt, dr, pf (opt tbn/bar sax)  
Schuller arr: cl, cnt, hn/tbn/t sax, perc (sn dr, b dr), pf  

ii. A Lecture (Tolerance)   
Ives Society edn: fl, 2 bn, cnt, 2 tbn, t dr, str (opt db 2)  
Schuller arr: fl, cl, 2 bn, sn dr, str  Play! 

iii. The Ruined River (The New River)  
Ives Society edn: 1(pic)-0-2-bar sax-0; 0-2 cnt-1-0; pf  
(opt. bar sax 2, t dr, 4 vn [or 2 vn & 2 va], voices) 
Schuller arr: 1(pic)-0-2-bar sax-0; 0-2-1-0; timp, perc (t dr, b dr, cym, tamb), ch, pf; 4 vn, db 

iv. Like a Sick Eagle  
Ives Society edn: fl, E hn/ob/basset hn; pf; str (vn, va [or vn2], vc, db) (opt db 2, voice)
Schuller arr: fl, E hn, pf, str 

v. Calcium Light Night   
Ives Society edn: pic, cl, cnt, tbn, b dr, 2 pf(8 hd) (opt 2 bn, tbn 2, tuba, cym, timp/tom-toms, sn dr, str [if all options are utilized, only one pf is required]) 
Cowell arr: pic, ob, cl, bn, tpt/cnt, tbn, perc (sn dr, b dr), 2 pf  

vi. Allegretto sombreoso (Incantation) 
Ives Society edn: fl, tpt/E hn/basset hn; pf; 3 vn 
Schuller arr: fl, E hn/tpt/basset hn(or med vo); pf; 3 vn 

(Note: Complete work is available from Merion Music, Inc., by special arrangement with the other publishers.)

iii. The Ruined River (The New River) 
(Choral version, ed. Henry Cowell, is available for sale separately from publisher; see under Chorus with Orchestra or Chamber Ensemble.) 

vi. Allegretto sombreoso (Incantation) 
Gunther Schuller arrangement available for rent (sc and pts) 
Ives Society critical edition by David Porter of the original version (sc and pts for rent)

Set No. 10 of Three Pieces 4½ min.
i. Largo molto: Like a Sick Eagle (see Set No. 1/iv)
ii. Allegro-Andante: Luck and Work (see Set No. 3/ii)
iii. Adagio: The Indians (see Set No. 2/i)

Total instr: fl, ob/E hn, basset hn, bn, tom-tom, pf, str

Set No. 2 5 min.
i. Largo: The Indians
ii. "Gyp the Blood" or Hearst!? Which is Worst?!
ii. Ann Street*
iii. Andante: The Last Reader

Total instr of Ives Society edn: 2 fl, ob/E hn, bn; Indian dr/tom-tom, pf, org; str 
[2/2/2/2/2 minimum] (opt cl, tpt/cnt) 
Total instr of Schuller arr: 2-1-0-1; 0-1-1-0; tom-tom, glock, pf; str 

i. Largo: The Indians . 
Ives Society edn: Ob/E hn/basset hn/tpt, bn; Indian dr, pf; str  [2/2/2/2/1 minimum] (opt. voice) 
Schuller arr: ob, bn, tpt, tom-tom, pf, str 

ii. "Gyp the Blood" or Hearst!? Which is Worst?!  
Ives Society critical edn: fl, cl, bn, tpt, pf, str

[ii.*] Ann Street    
fl, tpt, tbn, glock, pf (*Used as the 2nd mvt in Gunter Schuller's version of this set)

iii. Andante: The Last Reader  MER  2 min. 
Ives Society edn: 2 fl, E hn/cnt/cl, org, 2 va (opt voice) 
Schuller arr: 2 fl, tpt, str 

ii. "Gyp the Blood" or Hearst!? Which is Worst?! 
realized by  Kenneth Singleton, sc and pts for sale 

iii. Andante: The Last Reader  
Gunther Schuller arrangement available for rent (sc and pts) 
Ives Society critical edition by David Porter of the original version in prep (sc and pts for rent) 

Set No. 3 4 min.
i. Adagio sostenuto: At Sea
ii. Luck and Work
iii. Premonitions

Total instr of Ives Society edn by David Porter: Fl, ob, basset hn/E hn, cl; t dr, pf/hp; str [6/6/6/5/3 minimum] (opt cel/glock) 
Total instr of Schuller arr: 1-1-E hn-1-1; 3-1-1-1; perc (field dr/sn dr, b dr), cel/glock, hp, pf; str (3/0/1/1/1) 

i. Adagio sostenuto: At Sea 
Ives Society edn: E hn/basset hn/fl; cel/glock, pf/hp; 2 vn, va/vn (opt vc) 
Schuller arr: E hn; cel/glock, hp, pf; 3 vn  
(see also under Chamber Ensemble for original version, published separately) 

ii. Luck and Work 
Ives Society edn: Fl, basset hn/E hn; dr, pf; 3 vn (opt 4th vn) 
Schuller arr: fl, E hn, field dr/sn dr, pf, str [3/0/1/1/1]  

iii. Premonitions 
Ives Society edn: Fl, ob, cl, basset hn/E hn; t dr, pf; str [6/6/6/5/3 minimum players] (opt cel/glock, voice) 
Schuller arr: 1-1-E hn-1-1; 3-1-1-1; b dr, cel, pf; str [3/0/1/1/1] 

(Note: Complete work is available from Merion Music, Inc. by special arrangement.) 

iii. Premonitions
Gunther Schuller arrangement available for rent (sc and pts) 
Ives Society critical edition by David Porter of the original version in prep (sc and pts for rent)

Set No. 5: The Other Side of Pioneering 5½ min.
i. The New River
ii. The Indians
iii. Charlie Rutlage
iv. Ann Street

Total instr: Pic, ob(E hn), E cl, bn, [alto] sx, [bar] sx; 0-2-1-1; perc (sn dr, b dr, tom-tom), pf; str

i. The New River
Porter/Ives Society edn: sax, tpt, pf, 2 vn 

(sc and pts on rental, except as noted for mvt 3) 

iii. Charlie Rutlage
(sc and pts for sale) 

Set No. 6: From the Side Hill 8 min.
i. Mists
ii. The Rainbow
iii. Afterglow
iv. Evening

Total instr: Fl, ob, basset hrn/E hn; tpt; cel/golck, hp, pf; str (possibly also cl, bn) 

i. Mists 
fl (or med vo), pf; str (3 vn, 2 va, vc, db) (opt cel/bells)

i. Mists 
Ives Society critical edition by Kenneth Singleton (sc and pts for sale) 

ii. The Rainbow
(sc and pts for sale) 

iv. Evening AMP  2 min.  
Ives Society critical edition by Kenneth Singleton (sc and pts for sale)

Set No. 7: Water Colors 5 min
i. At Sea
ii. Swimmers
iii. The Pond (Remembrance)
iv. Full Fathom Five

i. At Sea (not orchestrated in this version, see Set No. 3) 

ii. Swimmers 
1-1-2-2; 1-1-2-1; sn dr, b dr, ch, pf; str (edited by James B. Sinclair) 

iii. The Pond (Remembrance)  
fl/tpt/hn, fl/vn, hp/pf, vn/fl

iv. Full Fathom Five (not orchestrated by Ives)

ii. Swimmers
(sc and pts for rent) 

iii. The Pond (Remembrance) 
(sc and pts for sale under title "Remembrance") 

Set No. 8: Songs without Voices 4 min.
i. The New River
ii. The Indians
iii. Ann Street

i. The New River (not orchestrated for this set) 

ii. The Indians 
tpt, pf (opt ob, bar sax/bn, str) Edited by David Porter 

iii. Ann Street
Schuller arr: fl, tpt, tbn, glock, pf  
Porter arr: tpt, pf (opt fl, bar sax/tbn, 4 vn [or 2 vn, 2 va])

ii. The Indians 
(sc and pts available for rent) 

iii. Ann Street 
(both versions sc and pts available for rent)

Set No. 9 of Three Pieces 8 min.
i. Andante con moto: The Last Reader
ii. Scherzo: The See'r
iii. Largo to Presto: The Unanswered Question

Total instr: 2 fl, fl 3/ob, fl 4/cl, E hn, cl; alto hn, tpt; perc (sn dr, b dr), pf; str 

i. Andante con moto: The Last Reader  
Schuller arr (sc and pts available for rent): 2 fl, tpt, str 
Porter edn (sc and pts available for rent): 
Version 1: 2 fl, E hn/cnt/cl, str 
Version 2: fl/cl, tpt, pf, str (1/1/1/1/1) 

ii. Scherzo: The See'r 
(see Set No. 1/i) 

iii. Largo to Presto: The Unanswered Question 
2 fl, fl 3/ob, fl 4/cl, tpt/ob/E hn/cl, str (str qrt or 5-part str orch)

i. Andante con moto: The Last Reader  
Schuller arr (sc and pts available for rent) 
Porter edn (sc and pts available for rent)

The Gong on The Hook and Ladder or Firemen's Parade on Main Street PEER 2 min.

1-0-1-1; 0-2-1-0; timp, perc (sn dr, tr), pf; str (opt gong) 

Corrected edition by James B. Sinclair (sc and pts for sale) 
(see also version for Chamber Ensemble)

The Pond MOB 1½ min.

fl/vn, tpt/basset hn(or med vo), 2 hp, pf; str (opt cel/bells)

Ives Society critical edition by Jacques-Louis Monod (sc for sale, pts for rent) 
(This version was later arranged by Ives, under the title "Remembrance," for voice and piano, and then for voice and chamber ensemble; also listed under Songs with Orchestra or Chamber Ensemble.)

The Rainbow PEER 2 min.

fl, basset hn/E hn(or med vo), pf, str 

(sc and pts for sale) 
(This version was later arranged by Ives for voice and piano; also listed under Songs with Orchestra or Chamber Ensemble.)

The Unanswered Question PEER 6 min.

4 fl (or 2 fl, ob, cl), tpt/ob/E hn/cl, str (str qrt or 5-pt str orch) 

Ives Society critical edition by Paul C. Echols and Noel Zahler (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Tone Roads No. 1 PEER 3 min.

Version 1: fl, cl, bn, pf 

Version 2: fl, cl, bn, str 

Version 1: (Ives Society critical edition in prep) 

Version 2: (sc and pts for sale; Ives Society critical edition in prep)

Tone Roads No. 3 PEER 3 min.

fl, cl, tpt, tbn, ch, pf, str 

(sc and pts for sale; Ives Society critical edition in prep)

Washington's Birthday AMP 9 min.

fl(pic), hn, Jew's hp (or 2 cl), str (opt bn, tbn, bells/pf) 

First Movement (Winter) of "A Symphony: New England Holidays" 
Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc for sale, pts for rent)

When the Moon Is on the Wave

Allegretto sombreoso: (see Set No. 1/vi)