Title | Notation | Description |
Christmas Music MER 8 min.
i. Adeste Fideles "O come, all ye faithful" (Wade)
ii. December "Last, for December, houses on the plain" (Rossetti, after Folgore da San Gemignano)
iii. A Christmas Carol "Little star of Bethlehem" (Ives)
unis cho; 2-2-2-2; 2-3-3-1; pf, hp, mar; str |
Arranged by Lou Harrison from original versions for organ, for chorus and chamber ensemble, and for voice and piano (sc and pts for rent) (Note: Complete work is available from Merion by special arrangement.) |
December PEER 1 min.
unis men's cho; pic, 2 cl; 2 hn, 3 tpt, 3 tbn, tba |
"Last, for December, houses on the plain" (Rossetti, after Folgore da San Gemignano) |
Johnny Poe PEER 3½ min.
TTBB cho; pic-2-2-2-b cl-2-cbn; 4-3-3-1; timp, perc (sn, dr, b dr, cym), ch, pf; str |
"When fell the gloom across the field" (Low) |
Lincoln, The Great Commoner MER 3 min.
unis cho (divisi); 2-2-2-2; 0-2-2-1; timp, low bell, pf; str (opt pic) |
"And so he came from the prairie cabin" (Markham) |
Processional: Let There Be Light PEER 2 min.
Version 1: Mixed chorus; org; |
"This is the day of light" (Ellerton) |
Psalm 135 MER 3 min.
SSAATTBB cho; tpt, tbn; timp, perc (t dr, b dr); org |
"Praise ye the Lord, praise ye the name of the Lord" (King James version) |
The Bells of Yale PEER 2 min.
Version 1: Bar solo, TTBB qrt or cho, vc |
"Ring out, sweet chime, the world is young" (Mason) |
The Celestial Country PEER 37 min.
Cantata for Ten, Bar soli, 2 solo qrt (SATB/SATB), SATB cho; tpt, euph; timp, org; str qrt or str orch. Pf/vo reduction by John Kirkpatrick |
Text from Henry Alford's hymn, "Forward! Be Our Watchword" (1871) |
The Circus Band PEER 3 min.
SSATTBB cho (opt); pic, fl, 2 cl; tpt/cnt, 3 tbn, tuba; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym); str [2 vn, db] (opt vc) |
Orchestrated by George Roberts under Ives's supervision from the original song (sc, pf/vo red, and instr pts for sale) |
They Are There! (A War Song March) PEER 3 min.
Version 1: unis cho, vn, fl/fife, 2 pf (sc available on rental) |
"There's a time in many a life" (Ives) |
Three Harvest Home Chorales MRC 7 min.
SATB (div) cho; 4 tpt, 3 tbn, tuba; org |
(pf/vo red for sale, sc and pts for rent; Ives Society critical edition by Paul C. Echols in prep) |