
Title Notation Description
A Symphony: New England Holidays 40 min
i. Washington's Birthday (see Chamber Orchestra)
ii. Decoration Day
iii. The Fourth of July
iv. Thanksgiving and Forefathers' Day

pic-2-2-E hn-2-2-cbn; 4-4(cnt)-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), xyl, glock, bells, ch, cel, pf, Jew's hp/2 cl; str (opt. SSATTBB chorus, fl 3(pic 2), cl 3(Eb cl), bn 3, hn 5; off-stage ensemble: chn, 4 hn, tbn) 

See separate entries for each movement.

Christmas Music 8 min.
i. Adeste Fideles
ii. December
iii. A Christmas Carol

2-2-2-2; 2-3-3-1; pf, hp, mar; str (opt unis cho)

(Note: Complete work is available from Merion Music, Inc. by special arrangement.) 
Arranged by Lou Harrison from original versions for organ, for chorus and chamber ensemble, and for voice and piano (sc and pts for rent)

Concord Symphony AMP 47 min.
i. Emerson
ii. Hawthorne
iii. The Alcotts
iv. Thoreau

3(2pic)-3(E hn)-3(b cl)-3(cbn); 4-3-3-1; timp, 2 perc, pf(cel), hp; str 

Arranged by Henry Brant for orchestra from Sonata No. 2 for Piano: Concord, Mass. (sc and pts for rent)

Decoration Day PEER 9 min.

2-2-E hn-2-2; 4-2-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), glock/cel, low bells/ch; str (opt pic, E cl, tpt 3) 

Second Movement (Spring) of "A Symphony: New England Holidays" 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Emerson Overture (Concerto) for Piano and Orchestra AMP 22 min.

pic-2-0-2-2-cbn; 2-2-3-1; bells/cel, solo pf; str [12/12/8/8/6]

Realization by David Porter (sc and pts for rent)

Four Ragtime Dances PEER 11 min.
i. No. 1
ii. No. 2
iii. No. 3
iv. No. 4

1(pic)-1-1-sax(al, bar)-1; 1-1-1-1; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), ch, pf; str 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Fugue from Symphony No. 4 AMP 7½ min.

fl, cl; hn/tbn; timp, org; str (opt hn 2)

(sc and pts for sale) 
(The entire symphony also available; sc for sale, pts for rent)

Orchestral Set No. 1: Three Places in New England MRC 19 min.
i. The "St. Gaudens" in Boston Common (Col. Shaw and his Colored Regiment)
ii. Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut
iii. The Housatonic at Stockbridge

Version 1: 3(pic)-2(E hn)-2-2-cbn; 4-2-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym, gong); str (with mvt. 2 reconstructed by James B. Sinclair; (sc and pts for rent) 
Versions 2 and 3, see Chamber Orchestra 
Version 4: 3(pic)-2(E hn)-2-2-cbn; 4-2-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym,  gong), hp, pf(cel), org pedal; str (opt hp 2) 

Ives Society critical edition by  James B. Sinclair (= Version 3 with original full orchestration restored)  (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Orchestral Set No. 2 PEER 19 min.
i. An Elegy to Our Forefathers
ii. The Rockstrewn Hills Join in the People's Outdoor Meeting
iii. From Hanover Square North, at the End of a Tragic Day, the Voice of the People Again Arose

2(pic)-0-3-2; 2-4-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym, gongs, tr), ch, cel/bells, hp, org, zither, acdn, 2 pf; str (opt hn3, tpt 5, tbn 4, theremin, unison chorus) 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Orchestral Set No. 3 AAAL 5 min.
i. ---
ii. An Afternoon or During Camp Meetin' Week- One Secular Afternoon (In Bethel)
iii. ---

David Porter realization of mvt. 1, the only completed mvt: 2-0-2-0; 0-1/hn-1-0; perc (sn dr, b dr, gong), timp/Indian dr, glock, ch, cel, hp, pf; str (org or a 2nd pf may substitute for ww)

(sc and parts available by special arrangement)

Postlude in F PEER 5 min.

1(pic)-1-1-sax(al, bar)-1; 1-1-1-1; perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), ch, pf; str

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Robert Browning Overture PEER 22 min.

pic-2-2-E hn-2-3(cbn); 4-3-4-1; timp, 
perc (sn dr, b dr, Indian dr, cym), bells; str (opt pic 2, tuba 2, org pedal) 

(sc for sale, pts for rent; Ives Society critical edition by Jonathan Elkus in prep)

Symphony No. 1 PEER 37 min.
i. Allegro
ii. Largo (Rejected)
ii. Adagio molto
iii. Scherzo: Vivace
iv. Allegro molto

2-2-E hn-2-2; 4-2-3-1; timp; str (opt fl 3, cbn) 

Ives Society critical edition by James B. Sinclair (sc in prep for sale; sc and pts, edited for performance, for rent)

Symphony No. 2 PEER 37 min.
i. Andante moderato
ii. Allegro
iii. Adagio cantabile
iv. Lento (maestoso)
v. Allegro molto vivace

pic-2-2-2-2-cbn; 4-2-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr); str (opt tr) 

(sc for sale, pts for rent; Ives Society critical edition by Jonathan Elkus in prep)

Symphony No. 3: The Camp Meeting AMP 23 min.
i. Old Folks Gatherin'
ii. Children's Day
iii. Communion
Rej. iv. -- [inc.]

1-1-1-1; 2-0-1-0; str (opt church bells, timp) 

Ives Society critical edition by Kenneth Singleton (sc for sale, pts for rent)

Symphony No. 4 AMP 33 min.
i. Prelude
ii. Allegretto
iii. Fugue
iv. Largo

pic-2-2-3-2; 4-6(cnt)-4-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, side dr, tom-tom, tr, cym, 2 gongs), bells, cel, hp, pf, ¼-tone pf/4 hd, org; str (opt SATB cho, opt fl3, sax [t/bar], cnt 2, theremin)

(sc for sale, pts for rent; Ives Society critical edition in prep) 
(Fugue also available separately for sale)

Thanksgiving and Forefathers' Day PEER 15 min.

pic-2-2-2-2-cbn; 4-3-3-1; timp, bells (high, middle, low), church bells, cel, pf; str; 
off-stage ens: cbn, 4 hn, tbn [cued on-stage] (opt SSATTB cho, fl 3, cl 3, bn 3, hn 5, tpt 4) 

Fourth Movement (Autumn) of "A Symphony: New England Holidays" 

Ives Society critical edition by Jonathan Elkus (sc for sale, pts for rent)

The Alcotts AMP 5½ min.

2(pic)-2(E hn)-2(b cl)-2-cbn; 4-3-3-1; timp, perc, hp; str 

Arranged by John Boyd for orchestra from third movement of Sonata No. 2 for Piano: Concord, Mass. (sc and pts for sale)

The Fourth of July AMP 6 min.

pic-2-2-2-2-cbn; 4-3-cnt-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), xyl, bells (high, middle, low), pf; str (opt 2-3 fifes, pic 2, cl 3) 

Third Movement (Summer) of "A Symphony: New England Holidays" 

Ives Society critical edition by Wayne D. Shirley (sc for sale, pts for rent)

The General Slocum AMP 3 min.

Realized by Gunther Schuller (sc and pts for rent): pic-3-3-Ehn-3-bar sax-4; 4-4(cnt)-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym, ratchet, whip), large bells, 
pf; str (opt. hp) 
Realized by David Porter (sc and pts for rent): pic-2-2-2-2; 4-4-3-1; 9 timp, 
perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), low bell; str

Universe Symphony PEER 63 min.
i. Prelude No. 1
ii. Prelude No. 2 [inc.]
iii. Prelude No. 3 [lost]
iv. Section A
v. Section B [inc.]
vi. Section C [inc.] / Coda

9-2-3(b cl)-5(2 cbn); 4-5-4-2; 12 perc, pf/cel, org, overtone machine; str

(opt.org)Johnny Reinhard realization

Universe Symphony PEER 36½ min.
i. Prelude No. 1
ii. Prelude No. 2 [inc.]
iii. Prelude No. 3 [lost]
iv. Section A
v. Section B [inc.]
vi. Section C [inc.] / Coda

2 pic-2-alt fl-2-E hn-3-b cl-2-cbn; 4-4-4-1; 22 perc,  2 pf, cel, hp; str 

Larry Austin realization

Universe Symphony PEER 62 min.
i. Prelude No. 1
i. Prelude No. 2 [inc.]
iii. Prelude No. 3 [lost]
iv. Section A
v. Section B [inc.]
vi. Section C [inc.] / Coda

Prelude 1, Sec. A + Coda of C): 10(picc)-4-2-2-cbn;4-4-5-2; timp, perc 
[20-21 players], bells, cel; str (opt. pf);"Earth" group: vns, vc, db; 
"Heavens" group: vns, 3 fl, cl 62 min.

David Porter/Ives Society edn of only the mvts completed by Ives 

Variations on "America" MER 7 min.

3(2 pic)-2-2-2; 4-3-3-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym, sus cym, tr, cast, tamb), 
bells, xyl; str 

Arranged by William Schuman for orchestra from Ives's original for organ (sc and pts for rent) 
(Schuman version also transcribed by William Rhoads for symphonic band)

Yale-Princeton Football Game AMP 2 min.

pic-3(pic)-4(E hn)-3-bar sax-4; 4-4-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym), glock, pf; str

Realized by Gunther Schuller (sc and pts for rent, 3 min.)

Yale-Princeton Football Game AMP 2 min.

2(pic)-2-2-2-cbn; 4-3-3-1; timp, perc (sn dr, b dr, cym); str 

Realized by James B. Sinclair (sc and pts for rent)