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Fleming, Shirley

Year: 1975
Complete Citation:
Fleming, Shirley. “Of Ives, Elephants, and Polish Independence: A Five Day Festival Covers It All.” High Fidelity/Musical America 25/2 (February 1975): 26-29.
Source: Magazine
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
A. Festivals/Conferences

Fletcher, Lucille.

Complete Citation:
Fletcher, Lucille. “A Connecticut Yankee in Music.” Charles Ives Papers. Box 56. Irving S. Gilmore Music Library, Yale University.

Unpublished article for the New Yorker Magazine, Charles Ives Papers at Yale University, Box 56. Nearly every page has additions and corrections in Ives’s hand, and some passages were actually written by Ives.<br>

Source: Unpublished article
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America

Fogel, Henry

Year: 2018
Complete Citation:
Fogel, Henry. “Brad Robinson Discusses the Songs of Charles Ives.” Fanfare 42 (2018): 90-92.
Source: Magazine
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
E. Songs

Fonseca-Wollheim, Corinna da

Year: 2012
Complete Citation:
Fonseca-Wollheim, Corinna da. “Ambitious, with Ives Anchoring: Review.” The New York Times, October 30, 2012.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Ford, Keith

Year: 2007
Complete Citation:
Ford, Keith. Musicological Research - Charles Ives: Handle with Care. The Triangle of Mu Phi Epsilon, Vol. 101, No. 1 (2007): 4.
Source: Journal
V. General Music Studies
B. Special Issue Journals

Forte, Allen

Year: 1977
Complete Citation:
Forte, Allen. “Ives and Atonality.” In An Ives Celebration: Papers and Panels of the Charles Ives Centennial Festival-Conference, edited by H. Wiley Hitchcock and Vivian Perlis, 159-186. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1977.
Source: Chapter in Book
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
A. Festivals/Conferences
Year: 1992
Complete Citation:
Forte, Allen. “The Diatonic Looking Glass, or An Ivesian Metamorphosis.” Musical Quarterly 16/3 (Fall 1992): 355-382.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
G. Music Theory Analyses
Year: 1998
Complete Citation:
Forte, Allen. “The Musical Language of Two Ives Songs.” Paper presented at Ives & Yale: A Celebration of the Centenary of Charles Ives’s Gradua-tion from Yale. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, April 3-5, 1998.
Source: Conference paper
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
E. Songs

Fosler-Lussier, Danielle

Year: 2019
Complete Citation:
Fosler-Lussier, Danielle. “Classical Music as Development Aid.” In Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 2015.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship

Fouse, Kathryn Lea

Year: 1992
Complete Citation:
Fouse, Kathryn Lea. “Surrealsim in the Piano Music of Representative 20th-century American Composers with Three Recitals of Selected Works of Ives, Cowell, Crumb, Cage, Antheil, and Others.” D.M.A. diss., University of North Texas, 1992.
Source: D.M.A. Dissertation
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
A. Dissertations
Year: 1993
Complete Citation:
Fouse, Kathryn Lea. “Surrealism in the Music of Representative Twen-tieth-Century Composers with Three Recitals of Selected Works of Ives, Cowell, Crumb, Cage, Antheil, and Others.” D.M.A. diss., University of North Texas, 1993.

Chapter 2 cites appearances of surrealism characteristics as defined in this paper.

Source: D.M.A. Dissertation.
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
A. Dissertations

Fox, Gerald S.

Year: 2002
Complete Citation:
Fox, Gerald S. “An American Salute.” American Record Guide, Vol. 65, No. 6 (2002): 202.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews

Frame, Robert

Year: 1969
Complete Citation:
Frame, Robert. “Charles Ives: The Tragedy of a Progressive.” Unpublished undergraduate paper, University of Minnesota, 1969.
Source: Unpublished undergraduate paper
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
C. Baccalaureate Essays

Franceschini, Romulus

Year: 1965
Complete Citation:
Franceschini, Romulus. “A Postscript on Ives's Fourth.” American Record Guide 32/3 (November 1965): 223.
Source: Magazine
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
A. Orchestral and Band Works

Frank, Alan Robert

Year: 1969
Complete Citation:
Frank, Alan Robert. “The Music of Charles Ives: For Presentation in the Listening Program of the Secondary School.” Ed.D. diss., Columbia University, 1969.
Source: Ed.D. Dissertation
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
A. Dissertations

Frank, Serge

Year: 1946
Complete Citation:
Frank, Serge. “The Symphony.” Listen: The Guide to Good Music (July 1946).
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
A. Orchestral and Band Works

Frankenstein, Aflred

Year: 1962
Complete Citation:
Frankenstein, Alfred. “Ives’ Concord Sonata—A Great Day for American Music.” ACA Bulletin, Special Commemorative Issue, Vol. 10, No. 2, (May 1962).
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works

Frankenstein, Alfred

Year: 1943
Complete Citation:
Frankenstein, Alfred. “How to Make Friends by Radio.” Modern Music (November--December 1943) 21/1: 6--9.
Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1955
Complete Citation:
Frankenstein, Alfred. Review of Charles Ives and His Music, by Henry and Sidney Cowell. The Musical Quarterly 41, no. 2 (April 1955): 253-256.
Source: Journal
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews
Year: 1955-56
Complete Citation:
Frankenstein, Alfred. “American Music at Home.” The Juilliard Review 3, no. 1 (Winter 1955-56): 3-7.
Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances