Reti, Rudolph
Year: 1958
Complete Citation:
Reti, Rudolph. Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality: A Study of Some Trends in Twentieth Century Music, 43, 63-65, 89, 149-151. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1958.Notes: Discusses Con-cord Sonata and Symphony No. 4.
Source: Book
Reprints: Reti, Rudolph. <i>Tonality in Modern Music</i>, 61, 82-84, 107, 171, 173. New York, NY: Collier Books, 1962. * Reti, Rudolph. <i>Tonalidad, Atonalidad, Pantonalidad</i>. Translated to Spanish by Joaquín Homs. Madrid, Spain: Rialp, 1965.
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Year: 1962
Complete Citation:
Reti, Rudolph. Tonality in Modern Music. New York, NY: Collier Books, 1962.Source: Book
V. General Music Studies
C. Other
Revell, Donald
Year: 2002
Complete Citation:
Revell, Donald. “Arcady: ives.” Arcady: Poems, 44. Middleton, CT: Wesley-an University Press, 2002.Notes: Also notice the last line of his poem im- mediately prior on page 43: "Key to the music of Ives is confluence." The summary on the back cover states that this collection of poems "draw its influence from Charles Ives and Henry David Thoreau."
Source: Poem
XIII. Ives in Literature
A. Poetry
Year: 2016
Complete Citation:
Revell, Donald. “Charles Ives at the Spinet.” The Massachusetts Review, vol. 57 no. 4, (2016): 708-708.Source: Journal
XIII. Ives in Literature
A. Poetry
Rexroth, Dieter
Year: 1979
Complete Citation:
Rexroth, Dieter. Zwischen den Grenzen: Zum Aspekt des Nationalen in der Neuen Musik. Mainz, Germany: Schott, 1979.Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America
Year: 1979
Complete Citation:
Rexroth, Dieter. “Ein amerikanischer Denkstil in der Concord-Sonate. Zu einem Aspekt des Transzendentalisten Charles E. Ives.” In Zwischen den Grenzen: Zum Aspekt des Nationalen in der Neuen Musik, 54-61. Frankfurter Studien, Vol. 3. Mainz, Germany: Schott, 1979.Source: Chapter in Book
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Reyes, James E.
Year: 1966
Complete Citation:
Reyes, James E. “Reviewed Work: They Are There! A War Song March, 1917 by Charles E. Ives.” Notes, vol. 20, no. 4 (Autumn 1963): 565-566.Source: Journal
X. Editing Practices and Articles Regarding Published Editions
B. Reviews and Announcements of Published Editions
Reynolds, Roger, Charles Dodge, Lou Harrison, Salvatore Martirano, and Gordon Mumma
Year: 1977
Complete Citation:
Reynolds, Roger, Charles Dodge, Lou Harrison, Salvatore Martirano, and Gordon Mumma. “Five Composers’ Views.” In An Ives Celebration: Papers and Panels of the Charles Ives Centennial Festival-Conference, edited by H. Wiley Hitchock and Vivan Perlis, 187-208. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1977.Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers
Rhein, J. von
Year: 1984
Complete Citation:
Rhein, J. von. “Chicago: the CSO's Adventurous Autumn.” Ovation 4 (March 1984): 26.Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Rhein, John von
Year: 1986
Complete Citation:
von Rhein, John. “Charles Ives Shown as the Romantic He Is: Sports Final, C Edition.” Chicago Tribune, May 2, 1986.Source: Newspaper
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1986
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von. “CSO, Thomas Show Ives as the Romantic He is.” Chicago Tribune, May 3, 1986, 13.Source: Newspaper
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1989
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von. “Chicago Symphony Climbs to the Peak of Ives’ Work: North Sports Final, C Edition.” Chicago Tribune, April 15, 1989.Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1989
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von. “Thomas and the CSO Score with an Age-Old Charles Ives: North Sports Final, C Edition.” Chicago Tribune, April 8, 1989.Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1996
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von. “Chailly Successfully Pairs Stravinsky, Ives: North Sports Final Edition.” Chicago Tribune, March 9, 1996.Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 2004
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von. “Ravinia Festival Marks 100th with Adventurous Ives Tribute: Chicago Final Edition.” Chicago Tribune, August 17, 2004.Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 2007
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von. “Ars Viva Finds Common Ground in Ives, Copland: Chicago Final Edition.” Chicago Tribune, March 14, 2007.Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 2008
Complete Citation:
Rhein, John von “CSO Works Beautifully on Ives’ ‘Holidays.’” Chicago Tribune, May 31, 2008.Source: Newspaper
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Rhodes, Russell
Year: 1949
Complete Citation:
Rhodes, Russell. “America's Top Musical Composer.” Eastern Under-writer, February 25, 1949, 8.Source: Magazine
V. General Music Studies
A. Short Biographies and Profiles
Ribakove, Seymour L.
Year: 1962
Complete Citation:
Ribakove, Seymour L.. “A Prophet without Honor.” Keyboard Jr. 20/7 (April 1962): 1, 4.Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Rice, Philip
Year: Year unlisted
Source: Online article
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship