Rich, Alan
Year: 1961
Complete Citation:
Rich, Alan. “Contemporary Music Society.” Musical America 81, no. 4 (April 1961): 65.Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Rich, Alan. “The Ives Canon.” Saturday Review 51/17, 27 April 1968, 75, 80.Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Year: 1974
Complete Citation:
Rich, Alan. “Must We Now Praise Famous Men?” New York Magazine 7/43 (Octo-ber 28, 1974): 95-96.Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1995
Complete Citation:
Rich, Alan. American Pioneers: Ives to Cage and Beyond. London, United Kingdom: Phaidon, 1995.Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers
Richard Dufallo and Brenden Gill, developers.
Year: 1975
Complete Citation:
Richard Dufallo and Brenden Gill, developers. Meeting Mr. Ives (1975); theater piece.Notes: Music: The Unanswered Question’, General William Booth Enters into Heaven', Like a Sick Eagle', and The Children's Hour. <br><br>Prf: 1975 August 20--24: Lenox, MA; Lenox Art Center; Dennis Nahat, choreographer and stage director; Wayne Turnage, bari-tone; Catherine Rowe, soprano; Donald Symington (George Ives); David Westfass (Charles Ives).
Source: Theater Piece
XII. Interdisciplinary Performances with Ives’s Music
A. Theatre
Richardson, Paul Akers
Year: 1979
Complete Citation:
Richardson, Paul Akers. “A Guide for the Study of Solo Song Literature in the English Language by Selected Composers of the Twentieth Century.” Ph.D. diss., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1979.Source: Ph.D. Dissertation
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
E. Songs
Rickey, Carrie
Year: 1978
Complete Citation:
Rickey, Carrie. “Fashion/Style/Custom: Alan Cote and David Diao.” Artforum 17 (October 1978): 30-34.Source: Magazine
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers
Ridgway, Rick
Year: 1994
Complete Citation:
Ridgway, Rick. Three Squirt Dog. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.Source: Book
XIII. Ives in Literature
B. Fiction
Ridley, Aaron
Year: 2004
Complete Citation:
Ridley, Aaron. The Philosophy of Music: Theme and Variations. Edin-burgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 2004.Notes: Central Park in the Dark is cited in Chapter 1, "Understanding": 20-21, 41-44.
VI. Topical Studies
J. Extra-Musical Themes in Ives’s Compositions
Riedel, Johannes
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Johannes Riedel. “Ives and Church Music.” Lecture, Ives at Minnesota, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 15, 1970.Source: Lecture
VI. Topical Studies
K. Stylistic Influences on Ives
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes. “Ives—His Musical Style.” Lecture, Ives at Minnesota, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 17 1970.Source: Lecture
V. General Music Studies
A. Short Biographies and Profiles
Year: 1973
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes. Review of Essays Before a Sonata and Other Writings, by Charles Ives, edited by Howard Boatwright. Journal of Research in Music Education 13/1 (1965): 61-63;Source: Journal
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews
Year: 1975
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes. “The Ives Liturgy: A Mass of the Com-mon Man.” Student Musicologists at Minnesota 6 (1975): 225--236.Source: Journal
XII. Interdisciplinary Performances with Ives’s Music
D. Reviews
Year: 1975-1976
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes. “Centennial Ives’s issue celebrating the USA's 200th birthday.” Student Musicologists at Minnesota, v. 6. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Department of Music, 1976.Source: Journal
V. General Music Studies
B. Special Issue Journals
Year: 1975-76
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes. “The Ives Liturgy: A Mass of the Common Man.” Student Musicologists at Minnesota 6 (1975-76): 225-236.Source: Journal
XII. Interdisciplinary Performances with Ives’s Music
C. Other
Riedel, Johannes and Robert Oudal
Year: 1969
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes and Robert Oudal. A Charles Ives primer; a tentative introduction to music ideas as found in Charles Ives’ music. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 1969.Source: Book
III. Book-Length Studies
B. Other
Riedel, Johannes, compiler
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes, comp. A Brief Guide to the Ives Bibliography. University of Minnesota, 1970.Notes: Ditto reproduction
Source: Book
II. Reference Materials
A. Bibliographies
Riedel, Johannes, complier
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Johannes Riedel, compiler. The Ives Liturgy: A Mass of the Common Man (1970); service for reader, flute, brass group, instrumental group, and recordings. Compiled, and/or "created," from the writings and com-positions of Ives and American hymns.Notes: Included (in order, an asterisk signifies recorded example) excerpts from: *Variations on "America"; *Sonata No. 2, Concord, Mass., 1840--1860, for piano; “Watchman,TellUs of the Night;"*Hymn Variation—Symphony No. 4: 1; Immortality (as an introit); *The Unanswered Question; *Robert Browning Overture; *Symphony No. 4, 1; "Watch- man, Tell Us of the Night;" At the River, "Shall We Gather At the River"; *Central Park in the Dart, "From Greenland's Icy Mountains;" *Quartet No. 1: I; Musical Creed (a memo by Ives); "O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"; "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"; *Symphony No. 3: 1; *From the Steeples and the Mountains', Adeste Fidelis in an Organ Prelude. <br><br>Prf: 1970 May 17: Minneapolis; Episcopal Center, University of Minnesota; Sheila Wolk, soprano; Phillip Sandahl, guitar; Lyle Hagert, organ.
Source: Performance
XII. Interdisciplinary Performances with Ives’s Music
C. Other
Riedel, Johannes, ed.
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes, ed. Ives at Minnesota. Minne-apolis, MN: Festival at the University of Minnesota, April-May, 1970.Source: Program Book for Festival
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
A. Festivals/Conferences
Year: 1975-1976
Complete Citation:
Riedel, Johannes, ed. Student musicologists at Minnesota: Centennial Ives issue celebrating the USA's 200th Birthday. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts, Dept. of Music, 1975-1976.Source: Journal
V. General Music Studies
B. Special Issue Journals