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Rodriguez, Joe

Year: 1933
Complete Citation:
Rodriguez, Jose. “Interest Proved Strong in Modern American Music.” Los Angeles Times January 1, 1933, 30.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Rodriguez, José

Year: 1933
Complete Citation:
Rodriguez, José. “An Old Lady Gets Three Shots in the Arm.” Rob Wagner’s Script, January 7, 1933, 6-7.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Rodriguez, Paul Anthony

Year: 1985
Complete Citation:
Rodriguez, Paul Anthony. “Charles E. Ives: transcendental influence in selected short piano compositions.” M.A. thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 1985.
Source: M.A. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
B. Theses

Rodriguez, Yolanda Maxine

Year: 2008
Complete Citation:
Rodriguez, Yolanda Maxine. “The influence of Charles Ives on the solo piano music of John Cage.” M.M. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2008.
Source: M.M. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
B. Theses

Roedel, Astrid

Year: 1995
Complete Citation:
Roedel, Astrid. “Fragen und Antworten in der Musik Charles Ives ‘The Unanswered Question’: Annäherung an das Werk sowie Überlegungen zur Behandlung in der Mittel und Oberstufe.” Musik in der Schule 4 (July/August): 192-198.
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
A. Orchestral and Band Works

Roeder, Matthew James

Year: 2005
Complete Citation:
Roeder, Matthew James. “Select ragtime music of Scott Joplin, Charles Ives, and Igor Stravinsky: a set of analyses.” D.M.A. Thesis, University of Colorado, 2005.
Source: D.M.A. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
A. Dissertations

Rogan, William J.

Year: 1994
Complete Citation:
Rogan, William J. “Vorkämpfer einer neuen Schule? Charles Ives zum vierzigsten Todestag.” Das Orchester 42/11 (November 1994): 2-5.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship

Rogers, H.

Year: 1956
Complete Citation:
Rogers, H. “Four Violin-Piano Sonatas; ‘Der Jasager’: Recordings.” The Christian Science Monitor, April 3, 1956, 10.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Year: 1966
Complete Citation:
Rogers, H. “Ives Shoots the Works: Comedy of Surprises.” The Christian Science Monitor, 1966, 16.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Rogers, Harold

Year: 1955
Complete Citation:
Rogers, Harold. “Truly American Composer.” Christian Science Monitor (May 5): 7.
Source: Newspaper
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews

Roggenkamp, P.

Year: 1986
Complete Citation:
Roggenkamp, P. “Der Fluegel: gestreichelt, gezupft, geslagen: Studie fur ‘praepariertes’ Klavier—auch im paedagogischen Einsatz geeinget.” Neue Musikzeitung 135 (December 1986): 19.

Discusses the Concord Sonata.

Source: Magazine
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works

Roller, Jonathan Brian

Year: 1995
Complete Citation:
Roller, Jonathan Brian. “An analysis of selected movements from the symphonies of Charles Ives using linear and set theoretical analytical models.” Ph.D. diss., University of Kentucky, 1995.
Source: Ph.D. Dissertation
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
A. Dissertations

Romano, Jacoho

Year: 1969
Complete Citation:
Romano, Jacoho. “Retratos de musicos americanos: Charles Edward Ives.” Buenos Aires Musical 24/398 (July 16, 1969): 3.

A general article, dis-cussing biography, style, and several works (e.g., Concord Sonata).

Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Romine, Thomas Howard

Year: 1984
Complete Citation:
Romine, Thomas Howard. “Double String Quartet: Musical Score and Analysis.” D.M.A. diss., Ohio State University, 1984.
Source: D.M.A. Dissertation
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
B. Chamber Works

Romina de la Sotta Donoso

Year: 2011
Complete Citation:
Donoso, Romina de la Sotta. “Hoy Se Estrena Emblemática Obra De Charles Ives.” Mercurio (Santiago, Chile), August 4, 2011.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Ronda, Bruce A.

Year: 2017
Complete Citation:
Ronda, Bruce A. “Charles Ives: Sound.” In The Fate of Transcendentalism: Secularity, Materiality, and Human Flourishing. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 2017.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies

Roos, James

Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Roos, James. “A Fresh, Tough Look at a Legendary Composer.” Miami Herald 13. November 1988.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship

Root, Deane L.

Year: 1972
Complete Citation:
Root, Deane L. “The Pan American Association of Composers (1928-1934)." Anuario interamericano de investigation musical/Yearbook for Inter-American Musical Research/Anuario interamerican de pesquisa musical 8 (1972): 49-70.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Rorem, Ned

Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Rorem, Ned. Music and People, 14, 137, 141, 144. New York, NY: George Brazillerj, 1968.

([Ives’s]” Epilogue from Essays Before a Sonata {All} is a model of spirited English, depicting the creative process once and for all."), 161, 173 (compares Ezra Pound to "utterances' of Ives), 21.

Source: Book
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works

Rosa, Alfred F.

Year: 1971
Complete Citation:
Rosa, Alfred F. “Charles Ives: Music, Transcendentalism, and Politics.” New England Quarterly 44 (1971): 433-443.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies