Struck-Schloen, Michael
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Struck-Schloen, Michael. “Köln, 24. Bis 27. Februar 1988: Internationales Symposion: ‘Charles Ives Und Die Amerikanische Musik.’” Die Musikforschung, vol. 41, no. 4 (1988): 356-357.Source: Journal
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
C. Reviews and Announcements of Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series
Strümpe, Marcus
Year: 2009
Complete Citation:
Strümpe, Marcus. “Besprechungen: Tonträger: Unbekümmerte Musik.” Musik und Kirche, Vol. 79, No. 2 (2009): 142.Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Stuck-Schoen, M.
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Stuck-Schloen, M. “Review of ‘Internationale Symposium’: "Köln, 24. bis 27. Februar 1988: International Symposium Charles Ives und die amerikanische Musik.” Die Musikforschung 41/4: 356-357.Source: Journal
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
C. Reviews and Announcements of Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series
Stuckenschmidt, H.H.
Year: 1933
Complete Citation:
Stuckenschmidt, H.H. “German Season under the Crisis.” Modern Music 10 (March-April 1933): 167.Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
Sudik, Nancy F.
Year: Year unlisted
Source: Online Resource
V. General Music Studies
A. Short Biographies and Profiles
Suhor, Charles
Year: 1976
Complete Citation:
Suhor, Charles. “To Charles Ives.” The English Journal, vol. 65, no. 5 (1976): 45-46.Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship
Sullivan, Charles B.
Year: 1965
Complete Citation:
Sullivan, Charles B. “Letters to the Editor: The Great American Com- poser.” HiFi/Stereo Review 15/2 (August 1965): 6.Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Sullivan, Jack
Year: 2009
Complete Citation:
Sullivan, Jack. “Collections: “American Piano 1900-1930”; “An American Mirage.”” American Record Guide, Vol. 72, No. 6 (2009): 211.Source: Magazine (recording review)
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Year: 2010
Complete Citation:
Sullivan, Jack. “Concerts Everywhere: New York Philharmonic - Music Director Alan Gilbert.” American Record Guide, Vol. 73, No. 1 (2010): 31.Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 2013
Complete Citation:
Sullivan, Jack. “Albany, Baltimore, Detroit, & National Symphonies.” American Record Guide, Vol. 76, No. 5, (2013): 16-17.Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Sullivan, Timothy
Year: 1966
Complete Citation:
Sullivan, Timothy. “An Approach to Analysis of the Second Movement of Symphony No. 4 by Charles E. Ives and An Essay on Composition Based on Observations on the Same Work.” Senior Essay, Yale University, 1966.Source: Senior Essay
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
C. Baccalaureate Essays
Sulouff, Jack F.
Year: 1985
Complete Citation:
Sulouff, Jack F. “The second violin sonata of Charles Ives: a thematic analysis.” Northern Illinois University, 1985.Source: M. Mus. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
B. Theses
Summers, Leo R.
Complete Citation:
Summers, Leo R. Sketch. In The Arts: A Guide to Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Music and Theater, by Michael Rheta Martin. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.Notes: Based on a photograph by Frank Gerratana.
Source: Sketch
XVI. Photographs and Artwork
B. Artwork
Sundell, Steven Lynn
Year: 1973
Complete Citation:
Sundell, Steven Lynn. “Charles Ives' use of simultaneity to conflict and blur tonality: the projection of multiple layers of music in "Putnam's camp" and related sources.” M.M. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1973.Source: M.M. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
B. Theses
Supree, B.
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Supree, Burt. “Dance: Blah Blah Blah Suffering (Scenes from the Music of Charles Ives).” Village Voice 30. De-cember 31, 1988: 79.Source: Newspaper
XII. Interdisciplinary Performances with Ives’s Music
D. Reviews
Supree, Burton
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Supree, Burton. “Dance Lioness’s Lunch Scenes from the Music of Charles Ives.” Village Voice, January 19, 1988, sec. 33, 92.Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Sussman, Richard
Complete Citation:
Sussman, Richard J. “Illustration of Ives and other contemporary com-posers in a collage.” Music Journal 24/3 (March 1966): cover.Source: Illustration
Reprints: Reproduced: Jack Sherin, cover designer; Ray Diorio, photographer.
XVI. Photographs and Artwork
B. Artwork
Swados, Elizabeth
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Swados, Elizabeth. Listening Out Loud: Becoming a Composer, 23, 40-42, 102. New York, NY: Harper and Row, 1988.Notes: Several mentions of Ives, especially regarding The Unanswered Question that her teacher, Henry Brant, introduced to her.
Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
I. Compositional Process
Swafford, Jan
Year: 1989
Complete Citation:
Swafford, Jan. “The Trouble with Charlie.” Symphony 40/4 (July-August 1989): 78-81, 114-117.Notes: A brief biographical sketch.
Source: Magazine
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
A. Orchestral and Band Works