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Cohn, Arthur

Year: 1966
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Arthur. “Decca’s Nieuw Amsterdam Trio.” The American Record Guide 33, no. 2 (October 1966): 142-143.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Arthur. “Ten Records—Keeping Up with Charles Ives.” American Record Guide 34/5, January 1968, 376-81, 437.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Arthur. “New Music from Odyssey—Splitting Semitones.” American Record Guide 34, no. 12 (August 1968): 1086-1088.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews
Year: 1969
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Arthur. “Alan Mandel Plays All Twenty-Seven of the Piano Works of Ives.” The American Record Guide 35 no. 7 (March 1969): 548-549.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Arthur. “Playing and Conducting that Simply Could Not Be Bettered.” American Record Guide 37, no. 3 (November 1970): 148-151.
Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Cohn, Arthur B.

Year: 1964
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Arthur B. “Cambridge, CRI, and Vox, that Supremely Individual Cre-ative Genius Chas. E. Ives.” American Record Guide 30/9, May 1964, 760-64, 768-769.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews

Cohn, Fred

Year: 20122
Complete Citation:
Cohn, Fred. “Moral Fire: Musical Portraits from America's Fin de Siècle.” Opera News, Vol. 77, No. 4 (2012): 64.
Source: Magazine
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews

Cole, Hugo

Year: 1975
Complete Citation:
Cole, Hugo. “Music: ‘Like the Rocks Were Grown.’” Country Life, Janu-ary 2, 1975, 16.
Source: Magazine
V. General Music Studies
A. Short Biographies and Profiles
Year: 1979
Complete Citation:
Cole, Hugo. “The Musical Scene: Mountains and Sponge Cakes.” Country Life 165, no. 4256, (February 1, 1979): 278.
Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Cole, Michael S.

Year: 1975
Complete Citation:
Cole, Michael S. “Concord revisited: Charles Ives and the American transcendentalists.” M.A. Thesis, York University, 1975.
Source: M.A. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
B. Theses
Year: 1997
Complete Citation:
Cole, Michael S. “Concord Revisited: Charles Ives and the American Transcendentalists [Abstract].” Canadian Journal for Traditional Music, Vol. 25 (1997): 29.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
A. Transcendentalism or Philosophy

Coleman, Donna

Year: 1986
Complete Citation:
Coleman, Donna. “A source study of the fifth movement of Charles Ives's first piano sonata: toward a critical edition.” D.M.A. thesis, University of Rochester, 1986.
Source: D.M.A. Thesis
VIII. Dissertations, Theses, and Baccalaureate Essays
A. Dissertations

Coleman, Judy Bounds

Year: 1960
Complete Citation:
Coleman, Judy Bounds. “Charles Ives: The Man and His Songs.” Mid-west Quarterly (July 1960) 1/4: 295-320.

Includes a reprint of “The Things Our Fathers Loved,” No. 43 of 114 Songs, p. 312-313.

Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
E. Songs

Collaer, Paul, Albert vander Linden and F. van den Bremt, eds.

Year: 1960
Complete Citation:
Collaer, Paul, Albert vander Linden and F. van den Bremt, eds. “Charles Ives.” In Atlas historique de la musique. Paris, France: Elsevier 1960.
Source: Book
VII. Entries in Larger Volumes
B. Encyclopedia Entries

Collaer, Paul; Sally, Abeles, translator

Year: 1961
Complete Citation:
Collaer, Paul. A History of Modern Music, 43, 366-367, 388. Translated from French to English by Sally Abeles. New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap.
Source: Book
VII. Entries in Larger Volumes
A. Textbook Accounts

Commanday, Robert

Year: 1989
Complete Citation:
Commanday, Robert. “Adventurous Night for San Jose.” San Francisco Chronicle. November 20, 1989, sec. F, 2.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Conen, Hermann

Year: 1981-1982
Complete Citation:
Cohen, Hermann. “All the wrong notes are right’ — Zu Ch. Ives’ 2. Klaviersonate.” Neuland 1 (1981-1982): 28-42.
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works

Conn, Peter

Year: 1983
Complete Citation:
Conn, Peter. “Innovation and Nostalgia: Charles Ives.” In The Divided Mind: Ideology and Imagination in America, 1898-1917, 230-250. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
H. Ives, 20th Century Music, and Experimental Styles

Conn, Peter J.

Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Conn, Peter J. “Innovation and nostalgia: Charles Ives.” In The divided mind: ideology and imagination in America 1898-1917. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Source: Chapter in Book
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America

Conway, Bret K.

Year: 1985
Complete Citation:
Conway, Bret K. “Harmonic evolution in Charles Edward Ives's 114 songs.” M.M. thesis, Baylor University, 1985.
Source: M.M. Thesis
C. Baccalaureate Essays
B. Theses