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Goodman, Hal

Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Goodman, Hal. "Home Video: Music." The New York Times (1987 November 1) 2: 38.
Source: Videocassette
XV. Television Broadcasts, Films, and Videocassettes
C. Videocassettes
Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Goodman, Hal. “Home Video; Music.” The New York Times. November 1, 1987, sec. 2, 38.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews

Goodman, John

Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Goodman, John. “An Urbanized Thoreau.” The New Leader (September 23, 1968: 23-24.
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works

Goodman, P.

Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Goodman, P. “Chamber Music, from Mozart to Ives: NASSAU AND SUFFOLK Edition.” Newsday, December 18, 1987.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1989
Complete Citation:
Goodman, P. “A Rare Performance of Ives: Nassau and Suffolk Edition.” Newsday. 1989.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Goodman, Peter

Year: 1992
Complete Citation:
Goodman, Peter. “Ives’ Chaotic Human Comedy.” Newsday, April 13, 1992, 49.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances

Goosens, Eugene

Year: 1943
Complete Citation:
Goosens, Eugene. “The Public:- Has It Changed?” Modern Music 20/2 (Jan-uary-February 1943): 72--73.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship
Year: 1951
Complete Citation:
Goosens, Eugene. Overtures and Beginners: A Musical Autobiography. London, United Kingdom: Metheun Publishing, 1951.
Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Goossen, Frederic

Year: 1968
Complete Citation:
Goossen, Frederic. “From the Steeples and the Mountains, for Bells (Chimes) or Two Pianos, Trumpet, and Trombone by Charles E. Ives.” Notes, vol. 24, no. 4 (June 1968): 807-808.
Source: Journal
X. Editing Practices and Articles Regarding Published Editions
B. Reviews and Announcements of Published Editions

Gordon, Philip

Year: 1947
Complete Citation:
Gordon, Philip. “America in American Music.” Common Ground (Spring 1947).
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America
Year: 1950
Complete Citation:
Gordon, Philip. “Rehearsing Contemporary Music.” Music Educators Journal, vol. 37, no. 2 (November-December 1950): 32-38.
Source: Journal
VI. Topical Studies
T. Ives in Music Education

Gordon, Stewart

Year: 1996
Complete Citation:
Gordon, Stewart. Review of Charles Ives: A Life with Music, by Jan Swafford. American Music Teacher 46/6 (June--July 1997): 88--89.
Source: Journal
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews
Year: 1997
Complete Citation:
Gordon, Stewart. Review of Charles Ives: A Life with Music, by Jan Swafford. American Music Teacher 46/6 (June-July 1997): 88-89.
Source: Journal
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews

Gorge, Emmanuel

Year: 2003
Complete Citation:
Gorge, Emmanuel. L’imaginaire amérindien et le modernisme. Paris, France: Éditions L’Harmattan, 2003.
Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America

Gorlinski, Gini

Year: 2010
Complete Citation:
Gorlinski, Gini. “Charles Ives.” In The 100 most influential musicians of all time. New York, NY: Britannica Educational Publishing, 2010.
Source: Book
VII. Entries in Larger Volumes
B. Encyclopedia Entries

Goss, Glenda Dawn

Year: 1993
Complete Citation:
Goss, Glenda Dawn. Music and the Moderns: The Life and Works of Carol Robinson. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1993.
Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Goss, Madeleine

Year: 1952
Complete Citation:
Goss, Madeleine. “Charles Ives.” In Modern music-makers: contemporary American composers. New York, NY: Dutton, 1952.
Source: Chapter in Book<br>
V. General Music Studies
A. Short Biographies and Profiles
Year: 1970
Complete Citation:
Goss, Madeleine. Modern music-makers: contemporary American composers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1970.
Source: Book
VI. Topical Studies
L. Ives and America

Goss, Madeline

Year: 1955
Complete Citation:
Goss, Madeline. “Charles Ives.” Diapason II [Milan] 5/1 (January 1955): 5-14.
Source: Journal
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews

Gottschalk, Kurt

Year: 2016
Complete Citation:
Gottschalk, Kurt. “Sirius Quartet: Seriously Compatible.” Down Beat: Jazz, Blues & Beyond, Vol. 83, No. 9 (2016): 28.
Source: Magazine
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
B. Recording Reviews