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Henahan, Donal

Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. “Ives and Brahms by Cleveland Orchestra.” The New York Times, May 16, 1987, 15.
Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. 1987. “Is an Icon Becoming a Has--Been?” New York Times, April 5.
Source: Newspaper
V. General Music Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship
Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. “Bernstein and the Philharmonic.” The New York Times. April 10, 1987, sec. C: 3.

In re-evaluating the work, the writer points out that some have criticized Ives for not handling his material musically, but this work shows “artistic unity.” Symphony No. 4 was to have been performed on the program also. A favorable review of performance of Symphony No. 2 (April 9, 1987: New York Philharmonic; Leonard Bernstein, conduc-tor).

Source: Newspaper
XI. Reviews of Premieres, Significant Performances, and Recordings
A. Reviews and Announcements of Premieres and Significant Performances
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. “Did Ives Fiddle With the Truth?”- The New York Times, February 21, 1988.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
C. Chronology
Year: 1990
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. “The Polysided Views of Ives’s Polytonality.” The New York Times. June 10, 1990.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
F. Polytonality
Year: 1996
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. “Bring in da Noise,” review of Charles Ives: A Life with Music, by Jan Swafford. New York Times Book Review (August 4): 11--12.
Source: Newspaper
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews
Year: 1996
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donal. “Bring in da Noise.” New York Times Book Review, August 4, 1996, 11-12.
Source: Newspaper
III. Book-Length Studies
C. Book Reviews

Henahan, Donald

Year: 1974
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donald. “Composers Uncommemorated.” The Atlanta Constitution, July 6, 1974, 6T.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
S. Reception Studies and Related Scholarship
Year: 1981
Complete Citation:
Henahan, Donald. “Wave Your Banner! Sound Your Trumpet! (If You Want Your Favorite Composer to Achieve Immortality and Become the Next Mahler or Ives).” The New York Times, February 8, 1981, sec. 2, 1, 25.
Source: Newspaper
VI. Topical Studies
E. Comparisons and Relationships with Other Composers, Artists, and Writers

Henck, Herbert

Year: 1980
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Bibliographie zu Charles Ives (299 Titel).” Neuland 1 (1980): 25-27, 46 52; Neuland 2 (1981/82): 208 and 268; Neuland 3 (1982/83): 243-246.
Source: Journal
II. Reference Materials
A. Bibliographies
Year: 1980
Complete Citation:
Henk, Herbert. “Randbemerkung. Zu Ives’ ‘Gesamtem Klavierwerk.’” In Neuland: Ansatze zur Musik der Gegenwart, 43. Vol. 1. Cologne, Germany: Neuland Musikverlag Herbert Henck, 1980.
Source: Chapter in Book
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Year: 1980
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. ““Waltz-Rondo” und andere Klavierstücke von Charles Ives.” Neuland - Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart 1 (1980): 44-46.
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Year: 1980
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “‘Waltz-Rondo’ und andere Klavierstucke von Charles Ives. [Review of Waltz-Rondo by Charles Ives.]” Neuland 1 (1980): 44-46.
Source: Journal
X. Editing Practices and Articles Regarding Published Editions
B. Reviews and Announcements of Published Editions
Year: 1980, 1981-82, 1983-84
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Literatur zu Charles Ives.” Neuland 1 (1980): 25-27, 46, and 52; 2 (1981-1982): 208 and 268-69; 3 (1983-1984): 243-46.
Source: Journal
II. Reference Materials
A. Bibliographies
Year: 1982
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Versehen - Versehren. 2. Lanze. Zur Neuausgabe von Charles E. Ives’ Erster Klaviersonate.” Neuland - Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart 2 (1982): 206-207.
Source: Journal
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Year: 1982-1983
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Aus zweiter Hand: Charles E. Ives’ ‘Study No. 20.’ Review of Study No. 20 by Charles Ives.]” Neuland 3 (1982-83): 242.
Source: Journal
X. Editing Practices and Articles Regarding Published Editions
B. Reviews and Announcements of Published Editions
Year: 1983
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Literatur zu Charles Ives. 129 Neuaufnahmen.” In Neuland: Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart: Jahrbuch. Band 3. Cologne, Germany: Neuland Musikverlag, 1983.
Source: Chapter in Book
II. Reference Materials
D. Discographies
Year: 1983
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Aus zweiter Hand: Charles E. Ives’ “Study No. 20.”” In Neuland: Ansätze zur Musik der Gegenwart: Jahrbuch. Band 3. Cologne, Germany: Neuland Musikverlag, 1983.
Source: Chapter in Book

Henck, Herbert. "Aus zweiter Hand: Charles E. Ives' 'Study No. 20.' Review of Study No. 20 by Charles Ives.]"Neuland 3 (1982-83): 242.

IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works
Year: 1987
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. Ives & Co.: 13 Konzerte d. Westdt. Rundfunks Köln im Rahmen d. Internat. Festivals “Charles Ives u. d. amerikan. Musik” in Duisburg 1987/1988. Cologne, Germany: WDR, 1987.
Source: Book
IX. Festivals, Conferences, and Concert Series Dedicated to the Music of Charles Ives
A. Festivals/Conferences
Year: 1988
Complete Citation:
Henck, Herbert. “Charles Ives Piano Sonata No. 2: ‘Concord, Mass., 1840-1960’.” In Charles Ives und die amerikanische Musik. International Symposium, February 24-27, 1988. Cologne, Germany.
Source: Festival Booklet
IV. Individual Studies by Genre
C. Keyboard Works